Links to collections

John Johnson Collection of Printed Ephemera: Many of the items have only a description and title, but many of them have images and that’s very intersting.

The Centre for the Study of the Book has some special collections. This link will allow you to browse some images of the manuscripts:

I quite like the oriental collection ( One of the many beautiful paintings in this collection:

The Oxford Digital library has some other manuscripts. You can select which collection from the home page then on the left menu you can choose “title” to open the series available. Once you see the page you can also zoom it to the tiny details.

More manuscripts and digitised images (Blockbooks):

Something quite interesting… the internet biblia pauperum:

And this is just another new feature in Google maps, Oxford is finally on the way to be virtually navigated:

Electronic Ephemera

Case: big collection of items of an individual that became available for digitisation according with some funds.

About the John Johnson – Electronic Ephemera.

Important issue: ability of tracking the items as they were in transit for the digitisation and back. Concerns with tracking, scanning and conservation (creation of new shelf marks as necessary).

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