Nathan Ford – Connecting aesthetics and UX by focussing on the content
“Designing for everyone is designing for no one”
How to communicate for different types of people?
Their team tried: Waterfall, then Agile and what works now is “everything all the time” (EATT)
With all that happens to cope with RWD, basic principles of design still apply (typography, colour theory, etc.)
1. Workflow – who is doing and who is responsible for RWD
2. Testing (then test, test, test…)
Examples of problems with grids: sevens, drifters, pinches, giving up
Remember – as designers – to use type, colour and form.
Check Grid Systems book.
A more natural approach to fluid layout…
Idea of ‘content out’:
- Start with content
- Construct your layout from the content out.
- Bind the content to the device (in meaninful ways)
Harmonious proportions (in book design) of content within the page –> ratios
Connecting content
1. Constraints (check sizes, proportions, aspect ratios, fonts sizes)
2. Patterns (what type of site you are building?)
build content with relationships instead with columns, using ratios.
Types of ratios: “Golden ratios”, 12 orthogons Quadrat (Square/Even) – 1:1 <--- many others here ---> Doppelquadrat (Halves) – 1:2
Check article: Composing the New Canon: Music, Harmony, Proportion – Owen Gregory
The formula: target/content = result (a further explanation/examples by A List Apart)
Example of relationship: text and image (example 27% / 73% approx ratio)
Using ratios instead of grid. Use ratio in general, then apply again for the internal/child elements. So, apply ratio for main layout then apply again for aside elements, other posts or highlights.
Connecting device
1. choose a ration and scale based on your content demands
2. build content grids for patterns
3. divide available viewport space with layout grids
4. (missed that one 🙁 ) (cmd + g to show/hide)
Chaparral website/layout created with grid based on height of lowcaps and highcaps letters and the delta in between them.
The font: Chaparral –
The article: “Deriving layout from your typeface”
Fabio Carneiro – Hard-won Lessons in Email Design
Neapolitan – Mailchimp new tool, with drag-and-drop ‘components’
So, why bother with responsiveness on email?
91% of people in EU own a mobile phone
majority of people (67%) send and receive email via mobile
30% of world have mobile internet
Incredibly fast mobile growth, need to adapt and be responsive for this demand.
User experience in email
“Cardinal rules”
Design within constraints
Email readers not supporting latests technologies (many of them strip headers, css, allow only inline styling)
Design for distraction
“one eyeball, one thumb and at arms’ length”
Making the experience easier and less interrupting for people, helps transmit a clearer message.
Design with purpose
In social media people ‘come to you’ for a message; in email, they trust you that you won’t fill their inboxes with ‘garbage’ and and transmit a focused, concise information message and sometimes, well-crafted images.
Examples of email types: selling or offers (sales/announcements usually with images); call for action (subscribe/attend/etc); reading emails (blog posts, news, etc.); transaction email (very specific finite amount of data, but with all the relevant information, appropriate – no space for jokes
Design for email
Do not bloat email with headers, navigation, loads of footer links and sharing elements. Make it simple, focused, related to interest of recipient (if possible – personal).
Building responsive emails
Modular pattern-base email – reduces the likelihood of email will break, reduce the amount of CSS.
Fabio maps out patterns (sketches) that have purpose on emails. He starts with scaffolding, in a Zendesk example we could see a header with company logo, social icons, then a ‘free form’ in the middle that any component/module can be inserted and footer has contact information/unsubscribe. Minimal, clean and uncluttered email.
Mobile first in email – most email clients don’t support media queries and/or max width – he worked with a table container with 100% width (not supported in Outlook), solution was to use conditional comments with a fixed width. Issues in OS still (Apple mail) that he solved with media queries (since it is webkit).
Table layout shifting – in emails you cannot use floats or positioning, to solve you can use a hack. Example, to use two columns on email, each column would be represented in a table, one after the other with their own width. The ‘hack’:
@media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
table[class="templateBody"], table[class="templateSideblock"]{
display:block !important;
width:100% !important;
Email design resources
Email Template Reference from MailChimp –
There is also a github repository with email templates
UX newsletter on mailchimp –
From SmashingConf, another templating resource that was mentioned: ZurbInk –
Litmus community – forward emails to various email clients and send you back screenshots –
Event link:
Bunnyfoot – @bunnyfootsays