
With Ben leaving our team some scary thoughts already passed in my head…

  • What if I do something that brakes his work?
  • What if, despite my study, I cannot do some simple basic tasks?
  • What if…

Staying so long away from work, and even longer from coding (remember that is not only maternity leave, there are months of only webdesign and no programming) creates an insecurity that I never felt before. Nevertheless, I’m clever enough and I think if I just focus on the material to be digested and examples left I will manage not only the mundane tasks but to evolve and improve the system.

Today I start with my first task of lifting an embargo from ONE item in ORA. Let’s see how it goes.

Wish me luck! 🙂


Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles…. it empties today of its strength.

The click

Something “clicked” yesterday…

I started the day very tired but after lunch my energy was renewed.

Not only that, but a new flow of ideas came to my mind, and many “little things” that I wish to do at some point started to gain life again.

For start, I went back to gym and despite that my legs were a bit tired and stiff the walk and the time over there was really good for me. I think I needed that stamina… Then, I also finish a few projects at home: a book, a few piles of documents that need cleaning up, etc.

Also, went to bed quite early last night so I feel more energy and overall I’m feeling good!!!

To add sweetness to the pot, this morning I saw the birds in my garden, the way they were flying around the bird food, and the funny Robin that is creating a nest nearby trying to defend its territory from the other birds. Someone told me that they are very territorial and it is true! You should see how funny he was stalking and then fighting to scare the other birds… 🙂

Adding some style and different colours also helped me to feel better… was about time to leave the black clothes having some rest and put some other colours (well, brown…) on me.

I will keep going on this mood for today, and hopefully I will extend it for the next day, and the next day, and the next…